KAKI Captain NFTs: Stories, Utilities, and Giveaways!

How Do I Get KAKI Captain NFTs?
1. Follow the official KAKI Twitter Account, retweet our pinned tweet, and join the Discord community to receive the test quiz.
2. Complete the quiz, and 100 eligible testers will be entitled to join the Testnet party and receive a random Captain NFT.
3. The top 3 players in the profit ranking will receive a Monopoly NFT, which can be redeemed for a 300 USD equivalent KAKI token airdrop after our IDO.
4. The 3 people who make the most valuable suggestions will receive Advisor NFT, which can be redeemed for 300 USD equivalent KAKI token airdrop and whitelisted after our IDO.
What Does Captain NFT do?
I. KAKI Universe
In the KAKI Universe, spaceships are constantly fighting for territory. Each spaceship has at least one crew number and a captain. The crew can sponsor the captain (only USDC Token is supported currently) and PK against other spaceships. All sponsorship will not be lost at the end of the battle and can be retrieved. The more capable the captain is, the more rewards he will win.
II. What are the Supported Tokens?
Currently, the only funded Tokens supported by KAKI is USDC Token. In the future, KAKI will support various types of Tokens, such as DAI, LINK, UNI, etc. These Tokens generate interest by mining in other DEFI protocols (e.g., Compound, AAVE, etc.).
III.Can anyone become a Captain?
Of course not!
If you want to become a captain: You need to stake at least 2020 USDC and own a KAKI [Captain NFT]. If you have the lowest level of [Captain NFT], then you are a lone wolf and cannot recruit any crew members. The higher the level of Captain NFT you have, the higher the maximum number of crew members you can recruit. The 100 successful testers will receive a Captain NFT in the end, which can be transferred but can not be publicly traded at this moment.
IV. Is There Any Differences Between These 100 Captain NFTs?
The higher-level captain NFT allows you to recruit more crews and to faster the mining speed.
Level 1 Captain
60 NFTs
Level 2 Captain
30 NFTs
Level 3 Captain
10 NFTs
V. What is the purpose of recruiting more crew members?
The number and type of tokens you can stake might be more diversified. Secondly, In the KAKI Universe, crew members pledging a sponsorship can be rewarded with KAKI Tokens, and the more crew members you recruit, the faster you can mine KAKI. More crew members will give you a better chance to appear in the leaderboards, and you will gain more reputation and attract more people to your Spaceship.